Maintaining Your Certification
NETA certification is valid for two years from the date of successfully passing the NETA Certification Exam. Re-certification is an integral part of any certification program. The decision to maintain one’s certification is equally as important as the decision to become certified in the first place. The enrichment industry is constantly evolving, with changes in laws, techniques, innovations, school policies, etc. NETA’s re-certification policy was developed using input from the practice analysis report and NETA’s Governing Committee which determined that two years was an appropriate cycle for re-certification practices, where certificants are required to take and document 2.0 continuing education credits as defined within our requirements.
The rationale for the re-certification interval is three-fold:
1. The enrichment industry is constantly evolving and necessitates a re-certification interval to account for this fact. Due to the rate at which new practices, laws, techniques and innovations are identified and implemented within the profession, the period of time for re-certification must reflect a duration that will provide for adequate updates in knowledge.
2. The re-certification term was deemed long enough to allow NETA-certified enrichment teachers to earn the appropriate credits but short enough to keep the certified population motivated to engage in education and training.
3. The determination was also based on the need to initiate a step toward best practice which would require routine continuing education participation in attempts to help NETA-certified enrichment teachers avoid long periods of education inactivity and reduce certification attrition rates.
To maintain and renew certification, you must first attend and complete two NETA-certified Continuing Education Courses (2 units) within the two years your certification is valid before completing the re-certification form and submitting the applicable fees. Click here to download the Re-Certification Application. Once your re-certification application is received and processed, please allow four to six week for your new certificate to arrive.